White lion Romeo was exploited for circus shows in France until his rescue in 2023
Bethlehem, 16 May 2024 – Global animal welfare organisation FOUR PAWS has successfully transferred a five-year-old white lion named Romeo to its LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary in South Africa on 15 May.
Romeo previously belonged to a circus owner who exploited him for performances. He was kept in a tiny cage inside of a truck whenever he was not forced to perform. In August 2023, Romeo was rescued by Belgian wild animal sanctuary Natuurhulpcentrum.
He was in bad shape at the time of his rescue, underweight and suffering from infections, but has since improved significantly, thanks to the care and dedication of the team in Natuurhulpcentrum.
He will continue to receive all the specialised care he needs at his forever home, LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary. Romeo will be able to live a lion-worthy life far away from circus performances, in spacious and species-appropriate surroundings. It is planned to socialise him with a rescued lioness to provide both lions with a companion.
The team at Natuurhulpcentrum prepared Romeo for his journey to South Africa with crate training, making sure he is comfortable enough with the transport crate. The transfer via plane from Brussels airport to Johannesburg went well, and Romeo arrived safely at LIONSROCK.
“Romeo is a white lion. His friendliness with humans also indicates that he was hand-raised. Both of these circumstances can lead to long-term health consequences for a lion. In the care of Natuurhulpcentrum he has already improved a lot, and we will continue to ensure that he can recover from his past neglect and mistreatment. It is nearly impossible to keep wild animals in circuses in a way that is appropriate to their natural behavior, ecology, and complex needs.
FOUR PAWS advocates for an end of all animals in circuses, starting with a ban on the exploitation of wild animals for performances,” says Patricia Tiplea, Head of Wild Animal Rescue & Advocacy at FOUR PAWS.
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Global animal welfare organisation FOUR PAWS has successfully transferred a five-year-old white lion named Romeo to its LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary in South Africa on 15 May.
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