Watch: Duhan takes out touch judge

Duhan van der Merwe finishes off a stunning try from Edinburgh against Leinster in round 1 of the 2024-25 Vodacom URC, but keep an eye on the winger’s follow through!

REWIND: Boks power Lions to trophy glory

The epic story of Duhan van der Merwe’s epic try #BKTURC #URC | #EDIvLEI

— BKT United Rugby Championship (URC) (@URCOfficial) September 20, 2024

Photo: @EdinburghRugby/Twitter

The post Watch: Duhan takes out touch judge appeared first on SA Rugby magazine.

Duhan van der Merwe finishes off a stunning try from Edinburgh against Leinster in round 1 of the 2024-25 Vodacom URC, but keep an eye on the winger’s follow through!
The post Watch: Duhan takes out touch judge appeared first on SA Rugby magazine. Read More

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