Tarryn Jolly, the acclaimed South African filmmaker and director, proudly announces the launch of “High 5” a groundbreaking series that shines a spotlight on inspiring individuals and organizations driving significant change in Africa, creating ripples of influence with every ‘High 5.’
The pilot episode, now available on YouTube, celebrates The Upliftment Programme for its 20 years of transformative service.
Tarryn Jolly shares, “I grew up in a rural community in KwaZuluNatal, my mother is a missionary, I became deeply aware of our unsung heroes, those who devote their lives to the upliftment of others, those whose story is rarely told. We have 150 000 registered NGO’s in SA all doing incredible work. “High 5” in a series of short videos that intends to celebrate their contribution and acknowledge their unwavering effort.
The Upliftment Programme is one such example. Tarryn explains, “I trained as a Joy facilitator in 2014 and use their tools daily. I have experienced how powerful their work is. Awarding them the first High 5 is an honour! Nikki Jackman, the founder, is a true visionary and pioneer. She and her exceptional team inspire me and many others with their dedication and innovative approach to spreading joy and hope in our poorer communities.”
Tarryn’s inspiration for this project is deeply personal. “My mother, Ruth Grobler, is my rock. Her 20 years as a missionary and work with abandoned babies led to the creation of a community center in rural Oakford, KZN. I’ve seen the profound impact of individuals, community, and service firsthand.
There are so many people doing radical things in South Africa, and I want to share their stories with the world. I want to be a part of creating a unified, positive narrative in South Africa.”
Tarryn also highlights the importance of facing challenges. “Every milestone comes with its own ‘contractions,’ as Nikki calls them. These challenges, though painful, are crucial for our growth. Overcoming obstacles builds our strength and resilience.
The “High 5” series promises to be a beacon of hope and inspiration, recognizing and uplifting those who are making a tangible difference in their communities.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Tarryn Jolly
Catch “High 5” on YouTube: https://tr.ee/youtubeUP
About Tarryn Jolly:
Tarryn Jolly is an award-winning filmmaker and director from South Africa, known for her compelling documentaries and impactful storytelling. With a career spanning over a decade, Tarryn has dedicated herself to creating content that not only entertains but also inspires change.
About The Upliftment Programme:
The Upliftment Programme is a non-profit and public benefit organization dedicated to spreading joy and uplifting communities through the Creative Arts. Over the past 20 years, they have made a significant impact by training over 800 Joy facilitators, uplifting over 50,000 beneficiaries, and sharing joy tools that grow hope and foster positive change.
The post Award-Winning South African Filmmaker Tarryn Jolly Launches New Series “High 5” to tell the stories of those who have dedicated their lives to making a difference. appeared first on The Home Of Great South African News.
Tarryn Jolly, the acclaimed South African filmmaker and director, proudly announces the launch of “High 5” a groundbreaking series that shines a spotlight on inspiring individuals and organizations driving significant change in Africa
The post Award-Winning South African Filmmaker Tarryn Jolly Launches New Series “High 5” to tell the stories of those who have dedicated their lives to making a difference. appeared first on The Home Of Great South African News. Read More