Filmmaker Eyo Emmanuel with Richmond Amechi, brings a compelling family drama to life in the upcoming film “Broken Portrait.” This emotional narrative unpacks the impact of drug addiction on a family’s fragile bonds, shedding light on the hidden struggles and resilience of those affected.
Written and directed by Eyo, and co-produced by Richmond, the story follows newly engaged couple Ivie Idahosa (31) and Bassey Enobong (33) as they prepare for a weekend visit to Ivie’s family. Despite her initial reservations, Ivie agrees to take Bassey home, unaware of the tensions that will unfold. The calm quickly turns to turmoil with the arrival of Ivie’s younger brother, Osaze, fresh out of rehab. As secrets surface—revealing Osaze’s struggles with sobriety—the family must come together to support him in his fight for recovery.
According to Eyo, “The vision of the film is to show the devastating effect of drug addiction on the family unit.” The film offers a fresh perspective, often overlooked, on the burden families bear when a loved one faces addiction.
The cast includes Teni Aladese, Ngozi Nwosu, Taye Arimoro, Gbubemi Ejeye, Floyd Igbo, and Eniola Jordan. The first looks offer a glimpse into the emotional depth and tension that will grip audiences as the family faces heartbreak and hope.
See behind-the-scenes photos of the film below:
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Filmmaker Eyo Emmanuel with Richmond Amechi, brings a compelling family drama to life in the upcoming film “Broken Portrait.” This emotional narrative unpacks the impact of drug addiction on a family’s fragile bonds, shedding light on the hidden struggles and resilience of those affected. Written and directed by Eyo, and co-produced by Richmond, the story follows
The post Get an Inside Look at “Broken Portrait” Featuring Teni Aladese, Taye Arimoro & Ngozi Nwosu appeared first on BellaNaija – Showcasing Africa to the world. Read today!. Read More