Filmone’s drama-thriller “Farmer’s Bride“ is led by Tobi Bakre and Gbubemi Ejeye, who take centre stage in the gripping new trailer. The film, a mix of love, betrayal, and supernatural vengeance, is set to hit cinemas on September 27th.
Directed by Adebayo Tijani and Jack’enneth Opukeme, “Farmer’s Bride“ also features Femi Branch, Mercy Aigbe, Efe Irele, and Wunmi Toriola.
The story, set in 1980s Ibadan, follows Funmi, a young woman forced into a marriage with Odun, a wealthy but lonely farmer. Though bound by duty, Funmi’s heart is elsewhere, and her resentment grows as she grapples with the life she never chose. Caught between a man she doesn’t love and one who sets her heart ablaze, she must navigate a choice that could have deadly consequences.
Watch the intense trailer below:
The post Tobi Bakre & Gbubemi Ejeye Lead Drama-Thriller “Farmer’s Bride” | Watch the Official Trailer appeared first on BellaNaija – Showcasing Africa to the world. Read today!.
Filmone’s drama-thriller “Farmer’s Bride“ is led by Tobi Bakre and Gbubemi Ejeye, who take centre stage in the gripping new trailer. The film, a mix of love, betrayal, and supernatural vengeance, is set to hit cinemas on September 27th. Directed by Adebayo Tijani and Jack’enneth Opukeme, “Farmer’s Bride“ also features Femi Branch, Mercy Aigbe, Efe
The post Tobi Bakre & Gbubemi Ejeye Lead Drama-Thriller “Farmer’s Bride” | Watch the Official Trailer appeared first on BellaNaija – Showcasing Africa to the world. Read today!. Read More