Tumaini Celebrates Her Father
With a bright smile, this proud student and daughter shared, “My name is Tumaini, and I am fourteen years old. I’m eager to talk about my father — my timeless hero. I hold deep love for him because of his unwavering care for both my mother and me.” Tumaini’s educational journey began in primary school where she became a member of Asante Africa’s Wezesha Vijana program. As a participant in this unique program, Tumaini began learning about confidence building, goal setting, and financial literacy. Surprisingly to Tumaini, the Wezesha Vijana program extended support beyond what she received at school by engaging her parents in her education.
Reflecting on her primary school days, Tumaini credits the Asante Africa Foundation for opening her father’s eyes to the importance of actively participating in her education. Ever since, her father has been instrumental in nurturing her skills, particularly those acquired through the Wezesha Vijana club. Emphasizing the values of cleanliness and academic excellence, he continues to encourage Tumaini’s goals to complete her education.
In rural east Africa, both girls and boys are often kept out of school to work at home. Girls are particularly at risk because they are frequently married at a young age ending their opportunities to attend school. The Wezesha Vijana program’s involvement with local communities helps support families so that children can attend school.
Tumaini’s father has taken an incredibly active role in her education, even assisting with her scholarship application for secondary education. He meticulously gathered and submitted all necessary documents. Tumaini’s father’s commitment was noticeable, and he openly praises Asante Africa for the resources they have shared with him so he could better support his daughter’s future.
Recently, Tumaini’s father attended a parent meeting organized by the Asante Africa Foundation in the Kilimanjaro region. Sharing his experiences, he highlighted his efforts in diversifying income sources to afford transportation for Tumaini’s return to school after the Easter break. The conversation also touched on the Foundation’s proactive approach to monitoring students’ academic progress and conduct, leading to Tumaini’s father proudly sharing a positive report on his daughter’s achievements. Tumaini is now the proud beneficiary of a scholarship supporting her secondary education.
Tumaini expressed heartfelt gratitude for her wonderful father, wishing for God’s protection over him. As Father’s Day approaches, she can’t help but share her love and appreciation, saying, “Happy Father’s Day, I love you, Father.”