Watch: Libbok lives up to the hype

Manie Libbok kicked nine points for the DHL Stormers in a derby win against the Lions at Cape Town Stadium on Saturday, but the star flyhalf had a little help from the stands!

WATCH: Sacha’s incredible try-savers

@urc Manie Libbok’s hype man in da Cape #rugby #springboks #unitedrugbychampionship ♬ som original – ✦

Photo: Ashley Vlotman/Gallo Images

The post Watch: Libbok lives up to the hype appeared first on SA Rugby magazine.

Manie Libbok kicked nine points for the DHL Stormers in a derby win against the Lions at Cape Town Stadium on Saturday, but the star flyhalf had a little help from the stands!
The post Watch: Libbok lives up to the hype appeared first on SA Rugby magazine. Read More

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