Watch: Moodie bulldozes an ox

Canan Moodie was magnificent in the derby clash between the Vodacom Bulls and Sharks, storming up field before flinging fellow Bok world champion Ox Nche to the turf.

WATCH: A bird’s-eye view of boot to ball

@urc Canan Moodie Ox Nché 🫣 Moodie following Ox’s “Salads Don’t Win Scrums” approach #rugby #springboks #unitedrugbychampionship ♬ original sound – United Rugby Championship

Photo: Steve Haag Sports/Gallo Images

The post Watch: Moodie bulldozes an ox appeared first on SA Rugby magazine.

Canan Moodie was magnificent in the derby clash between the Vodacom Bulls and Sharks, storming up field before flinging fellow Bok world champion Ox Nche to the turf.
The post Watch: Moodie bulldozes an ox appeared first on SA Rugby magazine. Read More

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