Watch: Sacha’s incredible try-savers

Sacha Feinberg-Mngomezulu showed incredible work-rate to make two try-saving tackles in one passage against the Lions on Saturday.

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Ankle Tap. Try-Saving Tackle. Sacha Mngomezulu take a bow #BKTURC #URC | #RaceForTheEight | #STOvLIO

— BKT United Rugby Championship (URC) (@URCOfficial) June 1, 2024

Photo: Shaun Roy/Gallo Images

The post Watch: Sacha’s incredible try-savers appeared first on SA Rugby magazine.

Sacha Feinberg-Mngomezulu showed incredible work-rate to make two try-saving tackles in one passage against the Lions on Saturday. @Vodacom #URC
The post Watch: Sacha’s incredible try-savers appeared first on SA Rugby magazine. Read More

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