Watch: Hilton’s incredible late winner

Hilton College snatched a late victory over Michaelhouse on Saturday through a sensational never-say-die try from winger Sebastian Gaboreau.

Going into the closing stages of the match 25-21 down against hosts Michaelhouse, Hilton were pinned back in their own 22, with fullback Ivan Jjuuko driving a long kick downfield.

The ball bounced into Michaelhouse’s in-goal area, before stopping just short of the dead-ball line.

While Michaelhouse players watched the ball, looking the run the clock down, a flying Gaboreau came out of nowhere, with the Hilton speedster just managing to get his hand to it, with the referees awarding the try.


Hilton College looked down and out in the final few minutes of their clash against Michaelhouse, until 1 player from Hilton College showed how determined he is to win the game for his school!
This is one of the most extraordinary tries you’ll ever see!

— SuperSport Schools (@ss_schools) June 15, 2024

In other results on Saturday, Selborne College beat Stirling 67-0, Kearsney College claimed a 50-12 win against St Stithians, while St Andrew’s and Kingswood played to a 22-22 draw.

The post Watch: Hilton’s incredible late winner appeared first on SA Rugby magazine.

Hilton College snatched a late victory over Michaelhouse on Saturday through a sensational never-say-die try from winger Sebastian Gaboreau.
The post Watch: Hilton’s incredible late winner appeared first on SA Rugby magazine. Read More

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